Merciful Lord, I am your humble servant. I'm not worthy of your almighty grace. I asked you to forgive all my sin, that you can hear my prayer. I am one of the mortals that perhaps have more imperfections than anyone, probably more darkened one, but I know that God is merciful and hoping to afirm me in the path of divine order, I repent entirely from my bad steps and I ask your piety. I understand oh! God that I could depend in your might and that no matter how imperfect we might be,you still don't abandon us and always extend to us your merciful hands that is why, oh Lord I raise my thought, so that you should concede to me as my daily bread the peace; as for the poor in spirit, the Peace; as for the submission of the tyrant, the Peace. Let the startof the Peace shine in our brains, and let us drink from the unlimited of your Holy Spirit. Let us all drink from this same fountain, thus repented from our deviations, only the Pealce., tranquility and harmony should reign in our homes, tranquility and harmony should reign in our homes,in our homes, tranquility and harmony should reign in our hometransporting like this our humble spirits, to the world of beautifulness. Oh! Sacred Peace! Fortify our hearts with your Holy effluvium and please, do not abandon me. Fortify, I ask you with your magnificent, all the members of my home. Oh! Sacrament Jesus! You taught us only peace, and you , practiced it during your peregrination in this world, conserve me in the aromatic chain of my family, and give my tribulations spirit Peace and tranquility. Thus this same Peace shouldbe spread in the sanctuary of my home. Our Father.